The world has become extremely polluted now, and the major reason for it is vehicles, all the vehicles spread a lot of pollution that is extremely pernicious for everyone. On 19th September, the people of Paris took to the streets to celebrate the 17th iteration while chanting the slogan “Paris breathes without cars .”Parisian will soon establish finite traffic zones in some years. The Sundays will be car-free. The traffic will be finite, particularly for taxi drivers, traders, etc., while other people can travel over scooters, bikes, walking, etc.
A city without cars
This initiative was taken to make cities cleaner, less-polluted by limiting the vehicles. After this, many cities and countries have started to implement it as Europe has also adopted these types of schemes. In British cities, such as Norwich, it has started pedestrianising it. Some Spanish cities like Pontevedra have also pedestrianized it. In 2011 it was the first-ever city that encouraged the world to walk on foot as it is best for health and the environment by printing a map named “Metrominuto .”It was for tourists that tell the time of walking from one point to another. The famous scheme was also introduced in some European cities like Toulouse, Zaragoza, etc.

Ljublana, A city without cars
In 2007 Ljubljana, Slovenia, also published “Vision 2025,” which proposed making the city clean and green. Some people were bothered by this scheme, and they started protesting. Residents living in the city held many debates concerning this, but Zoran Jankovic (mayor) didn’t surrender. Later on, the residents adopted the lifestyle, switched their cars to bikes, and started using public transport. According to the narrative of Istenic: “They mayor wanted to turn the heavy traffic roads into a living room.”
It became like a living room decorated with electric vehicles. By promoting the traffic-free city and using bikes and other transportation services, they introduced a unique thing named “Kavalir .”They are like little feet of electric vehicles. You can use them freely with ease. While some of the people still argued that it makes the city clean and green but decreases the authenticity. But, according to Istenic, it’s been a decade now, and no one thinks to bring the cars back in the city.
Many European countries are now looking forward to making their environment like Ljubljana. At first, people hesitate, but they adapt and become used to that environment. After winning the award in 2016, it is now evident that this idea successfully makes the city pedestrianizing. People as got enough space for performing other activities. After all, the standard of living in Ljubljana is iconic now. Yes, it takes a lot of courage to implement this idea, but once it is done, it is worth it; Paris would also look amazing and less polluted without cars on Sundays. Some cities in Europe will also look better.