“extraordinarily exuberant and incredibly playful book” A remark by one of the jury members. Geetanjali Shree won the international booker prize in 2022. She along with the translator Daisy Rockwell will share the prize money.
Indian or South Asian literature is rich and full of emotions. Writers put their hearts into their books that connect with the reader instantly. For this reason this year Geetanjali Shree the Indian writer won the prestigious International Booker Prize. Her book “tomb of sands” was originally in the Hindi language. In Hindi, the book’s name is ” Ret Samadhi”. It was translated by another amazing writer Daisy Rockwell. It was the first book that was translated and published in the UK.
The 739 pages book is a story of 80 years old woman. After the death of her husband tries to explore herself. For this, she went to Pakistan to fight with traumas and fears she had faced in 1947. This is the story of motherhood, feminism, and drama. A fresh take on an old topic makes Geetanjali one of a kind writers. Her writing style is bold and fresh which helps her to win this prestigious award.

Writer’s Blog
Geetanjali Shree was born in Manipur, in Uttar Pradesh state India. 64-year-old is the author of three novels and several story collections. After this award, she is the first Indian who won the international Bookers prize. Total prize money is 50,000 pounds ($63,000). Moreover, Both writers will divide the winning money equally.
After getting a prize writer says “I never dreamt of the Booker, I never thought I could. What a huge recognition. I’m amazed, delighted, honored and humbled”. “Behind me and this book lies a rich and flourishing literary tradition in Hindi, and in other South Asian languages. World literature will be the richer for knowing some of the finest writers in these languages,” she said.
Daisy Rockwell called this book the most difficult project of her life. She found Geetanjali’s style quite experimenting and self-indulgent. After the prize, it is evident that Indian literature reached an international level that will open new doors for new writers as well.