Imran Khan, chairman of the Pakistan People’s Party and former prime minister, has pledged to carry out the Azadi Long March. He will see if the judiciary and ‘neutrals’ will support the ‘thieves and servants of America or support the real independence of Pakistan’.
Shireen Mazari, a leader in the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf and former human rights minister, said that “now everyone knows the neutrals are not actually neutral”, and asked if they are “part of a conspiracy to undermine Pakistan’s economic and democratic prospects”.
As the country goes through political upheaval since March 8, when a no-confidence motion filed against former premier Imran Khan. The word neutral refers to the military, which has always maintained its neutrality.
Imran told a press conference in Peshawar that he will lead the “biggest procession in Pakistan’s history”.
“Would you like to have the Pakistan of Quaid-e-Azam or the Pakistan of these thieves and robbers?” . Imran Khan asked that 60% of the federal cabinet is criminals who were on bail.
There were still corruption cases worth Rs24 billion against them, according to a news report. They had to be sentence but now they are deciding the fate of the country,” says the crime minister.
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Imran khan Claimed
According to him, the PTI has never broken any law in its 26-year political history. In his view, PTI’s “Azadi March” is a democratic right of the party, implying it is Imran’s democratic right to continue with the march.
Meanwhile , Islamabad Police chief replaced by a “criminal” according to Mr Khan.
A member of the Punjab Assembly asked how the government could follow the orders of Chief Minister Hamza Shehbaz with cases pending against him and the CM having already lost his majority. “You will be punished for following illegal orders,” he said.
Khan addressing to youth in the long March
As he concluded his press conference, PTI’s chairman addressed youth, saying their future was at stake. “Let these leaders stay, there is no future.”. In his opinion, there are two ways, one of which is destruction, and the other is real independence. “If anyone wants to stop us [from the long march], then stop it. However, no one will be able to stop this sea of people,” he concluded.
Moreover, The neutral intervention has forced Khan to end his azadi march. Khan gave six days of time to the neutral and any government supporting the neutral or America. His only concern was that new free and fair elections held for the sake of the country.
[…] Also See: The long march is a test for neutrals and judges […]
[…] Also See; The long march is a test for neutrals and judges […]