Former Prime Minister and Chairman of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Imran Khan has recently announced that he will be addressing the Islamabad High Court Bar Association (IHCBA) on June 16. The Executive body at the IHCBA has invited Imran Khan to address an audience. He has been invited to share his political as well as judicial points of view. The ICHBA wrote a letter to Imran Khan inviting him to the event on 16 June. IHCBA has also invited top lawyers and lawmakers of the state to attend this event. As Imran Khan is invited as the Chief Guest, he will be presented with the honor to share his views in front of the audience.
It has been over a month now that Imran Khan’s government has been dissolved. The new coalition government is running the country. The tides are yet not in the favor of the newly elected government. The country has fallen into an extreme oil, petrol, financial, as well as Power crisis. Imran Khan has ever since been out on the roads and presented himself to the public as the victim of external political interference. He has been addressing the nation over and over again in multiple cities all over the country. His campaign against the new coalition government has gained him massive support from all over the country.
On the other hand, it is important to mention. On the same day as Imran Khan’s IHCBA speech, the Vice President of the PML-N (the major opposition to PTI) Maryum Nawaz will appear in front of the IHC in the appeal against the sentence in the Avenfield reference. However, the cases against the PML-N are countless. It is rather a coincidence that Imran Khan has been invited as a chief guest for an event of the same institution for which Maryum Nawaz is called for as a suspect in a case.