Today is the birthday of the father of our nation Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. His life is full of unique experiences that clarify what he came to conquer. On his birthday we are trying to give a small tribute to that man of words.
150 years ago Muslims in sub-continent were in pain and agony. They were looking for one leader who can lead them to light and happiness. Finally, their prayers came true and on this day 25th of December 1876, a kid was born in the house of Poonja Jinnah and Mithibai. He was the eldest in 7 kids at home. He was always the unique person that his father perceives that he came to conquer the world only. After the basic education he went to abroad and became a barrister at UK bar. Later he came back and get an independent country named “Pakistan”and became Quaid e Azam of nation.
These are the details we all know since childhood or when we heard his name for the first time. But today we are trying to uncover few secrets only 10 percent of readers know. Here are the following
Quaid’s real birth date
Despite the famous date of 25th December, some documents state a different fact. According to the school he went to, and a few other official documents his date of birth is 20th October 1875. Along with that his documented real name is Mahomedali Jinnahbhai. Later it became Muhammad Ali and we as a nation calls him Quaid e Azam.
His first marriage didn’t last long
Just before he went for higher studies abroad. He got married to his cousin named Embai. After his departure, she went severely ill. And after a prolonged disease and pain, she passed away in Karachi. Quaid was so devastated by her death, But he never discussed this pain publicly. So his first marriage only lasts a few weeks only.

Quaid e Azam’s Sect
This is the most debatable topic of Quaid’s life. Few people call him Parsi, some call him Ahl e Tashih meanwhile few call him an orthodox sunni Muslim. According to research and many historians, his family came from the Agha Khani set of beliefs. But his family converted years ago. Later in Karachi when they learn the religion and practiced it. They became extremely pious and practiced Muslims. They belonged to the Khoja Sect which is a Parsi-converted Muslim set of people.
Joined theatre for change of field
Very few people might know that he was not a boring personality at all as normally people see him. Muhammad Ali Jinnah seriously tried to be a part of a theater group in London as he was interested in the theater plays at that time But, his father opposed him so he gave up the idea and ultimately, continued his law practice.
Also See: Line of Control: Religious division yet with cultural similarities
Amazing Billiard Player
Saadat Hasan Manto penned in his book, Jinnah: “As in billiards, he would assess the situation from each angle and only take a step when he was sure he would get it precise the first time”. He was a great billiard player and practiced it regularly. It was his favorite game and his skills in it were just outstanding.
Quaid e Azam and his Eccentric Fashion Sense
Quaid-e-Azam had a keen sense of fashion. Different sources indicate that he never wore the same tie twice in a courtroom. Even on the death bed, he maintained his formal dress. This is the most amazing fact about Quaid’s life and his personality.

His Salary as Governor General
Jinnah was one of the most costly and sought-after lawyers of his time, earning around Rs1,500/ case. No one could reach his sense of law matters and the wise strategy to solve difficult cases. The most fascinating reality about his life is that Governor General of Pakistan, on the other hand, fixed his salary at Rs1/ month as the Governor General of Pakistan. The justification being, he didn’t want to indebt the emerging state with financial liability.