Cigarette butts are the most common form of litter in the world. With an estimated 4.5 trillion cigarette butts thrown away every year. The Ballot Bins seeks to tackle this problem. Independent evaluation showing that the Ballot Bin reduces cigarette butt litter by 46%.

The Ballot Bins is a customizable bespoke ashtray that tackles cigarette butt litter. Tackling litter whilst posing a question may not seem to go hand-in-hand but in just six weeks. Our voting ashtray on Villiers Street reduced the number of smokers throwing their butts on the floor by 20% and went viral, reaching 6 million people online. It has since been replicated across the world and has been proven to cut litter by up to 46%.
The first two bins have been placed at the Albany by the bus terminus and outside Boots, in the High Street. The douzaine said the butts were a “poisonous problem” as they do not degrade and can contain lead and arsenic. It said despite those who litter facing a £70 fine, cigarette butts are the most littered item on the island.

Hubbub launched the Ballot Bin with a new website www.ballotbin.co.uk. It has since shipped to more than 14 countries and 100 locations. The organization’s independent evaluation in London demonstrated that the Ballot Bin achieved a 46 percent reduction of cigarette butt litter in locations where the bins were used.
“The voting bin is a simple solution that has provoked an incredibly positive response. It got people talking about cigarette butt litter in a new way,” said Rebecca Dove, Managing Director of Hubbub. “In less than a year, the Ballot Bin has reached 12 million people in the press. Social media and been demonstrated to reduce cigarette butt litter by 46%. So we are delighted to be working in partnership with Keep America Beautiful to introduce the Ballot Bins to the US and look forward to following this exciting pilot.”