Chief Minister distinct provide Video call facilities for inmates in Punjab Jail
Prime Minister of Punjab Mohsin Naqvi chaired a meeting to discuss prison reform and highlighted. A proposal to conduct a prison crucible by video transmission in the Punjab Jail. However, the video call procedure will start after software testing and technical complexities.
In the meeting attended by the president and Treasury Secretary, IG decided to implement the video call system. There will no need to transfer prisoners to court. The Prime Minister’s requested the recommendation. But those present also agreed to allow the prisoners to perform Fajr and Maghrib prayers in the congregation.

Other Facilities for Prision’s.
A control room was also set up in the IG office to monitor the equipment 24 hours a day. In addition, nine prisons equipped with outdoor gyms and prison hospitals have purchased medical equipment worth Rs 40 crore.
At the meeting, a source says 71 prisoners will be released ahead of Eid al-Fitr. They thanked to donators from Daiyat, fine-paying philanthropists and the Punjab government.
Furthermore, they agreed to provide prisoners with a video call system. This facility is oriented only in Lahore Prison for seven days.

Additionally, the assembly area and the provision of TEVTA courses starts the video call for ten more prisons. Prison authorities told to parliament twenty-eight prisons completed the installation of surveillance cameras, with another fifteen days.
The Chief Minister of Punjab Naqvi held a meeting in his office on Friday to discuss the matters of the Government Central Model School (GCMS) in Lahore.
Hence, in the meeting, they confess to giving Center of Excellence status to the school. Therefore, the school accepts the best students. So, they formed three committees to create the admission criteria. The committees are BISE Lahore President and the Lahore Secretary. The Director of School Education said an admission procedure for the most qualified students and will admit them to GCMS.