Usually religion and culture side by side. But in Pakistan, few things are cultural but practiced as Islam. Let’s delve into the depth of those cultural norms.

Pakistan has a really rich history and deep-rooted culture in its society. People do not go beyond the limits of their social norms and traditions. Islam is majorly practiced in the country, the religion came from the dessert of Arab.
With time and fashion changes, society changes its norms accordingly. Usually, religion is well attached to the culture and both create a beautiful synergy that is helpful to create an alluring neighborhood.

But there are a few things that Pakistan adopted from culture but presented as a religious norm. These norms create a rift in the minds of young people when they learn Islam and cannot find them in any scripture. We as a society need to identify what is Islam and what is culture. After that, a healthy and fruitful nation can function properly. Today we will discus those small practices in detail.
1. A Woman Had To Take Her Husband’s Last Name After Marriage
This practice is taken as Islam and a lot of people created a lot of fake religious scripture about it. But is it not right? Yes! you have read it right. According to Islam, a lady does not have to take her husband’s last name. In fact from birth till death, she should be known by her father’s last name.

2. Parent Do Not Need A Child’s Consent Before Getting Them Married is Bound By Islam
Weddings are a big thing in Pakistan and let’s be honest we all love extravagancy. In rural or even urban areas of the country, parents do not ask their kids especially girls about their consent. Love marriages are a biggest taboo, even in 21st century. Parents kill their daughters after a slightest doubt over their characters.
But this is not Islam. Our beloved religion asks parents to take proper consent from their kids regardless they are a boy or a girl. Even marriages are void if any of the partner do not agrees or like his/her spouse. Hazrat Muhammad SAW strictly asks parents to take care of this matter sensitively.

3. Women are Expected To Bear 50% Of Household Expenses
Normally this is taken as Islam when women are only breadwinners of their houses. Their husbands do not work and play the equality card in this. But this is not endorsed by our religion. Islam asks people to take care of their women physically, emotionally, and most importantly Financially. Women do not have to put a single penny in daily expenses until they want to spend it of their own free will.
So we as a society should learn to identify culture and religion. And take decisions that cater to both efficiently.