Pakistani singer Asad Abbas, who appeared on season 6 of Coke Studio, passed away on Tuesday due to Kidney failure.
Pakistani singer Asad Abbas lost his life after battling protracted kidney failure. He had no money for a kidney transplant.
His kidneys were not working. Asad was on dialysis four days a week. He asked the media, politicians and people for help during his treatment. Abaas needs Rs 50 million for a kidney transplant.
إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ
May Almighty Allah broaden his grave and grant Asad Abbas eternal peace. He fights till the end of his life.
Asad Abbas had a great voice. He decks our lives with his beautiful voice. And he also wins our hearts with his touching performances.
He was in a personal battle that left him in financial distress.
Abbas was battling a kidney problem which did not adversely affect his health. Pakistani actor Adnan said to fans to help Asad Abbas.
He added he is dealing with kidney disease. In his difficult situation, we should need to combine and support him. He gives us uncountable occasions of joy amongst his music.
We have a responsibility to support fellow artists and help them out when needed. I encourage all to donate some amount to help him.
In addition, he says your contribution will help him with his financial burden. It will give him hope to live his life again. Asad was Best – creating great music.
Abbas turned to people, asking them to help him with the transplant. Asad told his friends and everyone he was on dialysis. His dialysis scheduled four days a week. He also said my health was not stable. Asad said to media, fans and politicians that he had performed for his country.
In addition, Asad Abaas was born in 1985 in Faisalabad, Pakistan. He belongs to Lahore Pakistan.
Furthermore, Asad Abbas was a Sangeet Icon winner. And he also won the Lux Style Award. Asad played at Coke Studio. And he got the Pride of Pakistan award. He sang Mahi Gal with Fariha Parvez.