Christianity, Judaism and Islam have a number of things in common. They are not shared by Eastern religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, and Taoism. Lets Discuss a Few of them.

Islam, Christianity, and Judaism are three major monotheistic religions that share certain common elements, as well as distinct customs and practices.
Here are some things that are common among these religions, along with some distinctive customs.
Founding Figures
Abraham is a central figure uniting these religions. Christians, Jews, and Muslims all regard him as significant. He’s considered the Patriarch of the Jewish people and is important in the other faiths too.
Common Holy City
Jerusalem holds great significance for all three religions. Muslims revere the Dome of the Rock where Muhammad ascended to heaven. Jews see it as a spiritual homeland, and Christians believe Jesus was buried and resurrected there.
Sacred Texts
While each religion has its own scriptures, there are similarities. The Jewish Tanakh is a basis for the Christian Old Testament, and the Quran includes a version of Jesus’ crucifixion.

Vocal Traditions
Choral traditions like Gospel music, synagogue chanting, and the Muslim call to prayer all stem from the need to reach worshippers in larger spaces.
Common Pilgrimage
Pilgrimages are vital to these religions. Muslims visit Mecca, Jews journey to Jerusalem, and Catholics go to places like Santiago de Compostela.
Names for God
The three religions use different names for God. Muslims say “Allah,” Christians have “Elohim” or “Yahweh,” and Jews avoid uttering the divine name.

Common Interreligious Spaces
In a secularized world, places like airports now offer interreligious prayer rooms, providing neutral spaces for personal reflection regardless of faith.
All three religions believe in the existence of one God.
They all revere and recognize some of the same prophets, including Adam, Abraham, Moses, and more.
Holy Scriptures
Each religion has its own sacred texts that guide their beliefs and practices: the Quran for Islam, the Bible for Christianity (including the Old Testament shared with Judaism), and the Torah for Judaism.

All three religions emphasize prayer as a way to connect with the divine. Specific prayer times and formats vary.
The concept of giving to those in need is important in all three religions. In Islam, it’s is “Zakat,” in Christianity, “almsgiving,” and in Judaism, “Tzedakah.”
So, even though differences are often emphasized. There are aspects that Christians, Jews, and Muslims have in common.