Ashura 2024 in Pakistan: Expected Dates Announced

Ashura, the solemn day of commemoration, occurs every year on the 10th of Muharram. This day is dedicated to honoring Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A) and the other martyrs of Karbala. In Pakistan, this occasion is observed with deep reverence and strict security measures.

Ashura marks the unwavering courage and faith of the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) grandson, Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A), along with his family and loyal companions. They bravely stood against oppression to uphold the principles of Islam.

Across Pakistan, mourning processions will be organized in cities and towns to remember the sacrifices of Karbala. People participate in these processions to express their grief and pay tribute to the martyrs.

In addition to the processions, many communities hold majlis, or gatherings, where religious scholars recount the events of Karbala and highlight the lessons of sacrifice, patience, and steadfastness. These gatherings foster a sense of unity and reflection among the participants, reminding them of the core values of their faith.

Expected Dates for Ashura Holidays in 2024

Traditionally, the federal government in Pakistan announces public holidays on Muharram 9 and 10 to observe Ashura. This year, these holidays are expected to fall on July 16 and 17, which are Tuesday and Wednesday.

The Islamic calendar is lunar, and thus, the sighting of the moon determines the beginning of each month. Consequently, it is anticipated that the holy month of Muharram will begin on July 8 in Pakistan. This month marks the start of the new Islamic year. Therefore, if the new Islamic month starts on July 8, Youm-e-Ashur (the Day of Ashura) will be observed on July 17.

Also Read: Ruet-e-Hilal Committee to Meet Today for Zilhajj Moon Sighting

As the date approaches, the government will confirm the exact dates based on the moon sighting. Until then, preparations for the processions and security arrangements are underway to ensure a peaceful observance of this significant day.

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