The Fascinating Story Of Ottoman Emperors Turbans

Turbans are a unique clothing item that describes the stature and authority of the Ottoman emperors for centuries. From white to blue, each turban color has an eccentric meaning, showing Turkish society’s versatility. However, let’s dive deep and try to understand the philosophy and necessity of these turbans in the Ottoman era.

You often see pictures of the Ottoman emperors and judges wearing those high-tailed and massive turbans in ancient pictures and stories. Have you ever thought about why those turbans are different and what is the significance behind them in that era? If your answer is yes, we are here with the adequate information that might satisfy your curious instinct.

The Ottoman era was the most glorious era for Muslims and other ethnicities. The emperors fear the Almighty and try to make the right decisions that help humanity despite their religion and beliefs. Turbans are a massive part of their office decorum and they wear them so people recognize that they hold authority and can help them resolve their fights and problems conveniently.

The higher the status and position of a person, the higher the turban they wear. They often layered simple white linen on a wooden structure to keep them in shape and maintain their height for longer hours. Moreover, it was difficult to maintain so they didn’t wear it outside the office or during the war.

The most shocking revelation came recently about those turbans. The cloth Ottman emperors and judges used to layer their turban was not some ordinary cloth, it was their “Kafan” (funeral cloth). Wearing their shroud on their heads will keep them alert for upcoming death and help them make just decisions without compromising the integrity of their position.

Moreover, it will also remind them that death is evident so they don’t fall into the trap of worldly luxuries and forget their ultimate job, earning a good rank in Jannah. It is quite fascinating how a simple turban makes them a better emperor and even better human beings who are dedicated to serving humanity without any lust.

The Philosophy Behind Colors Of Turbans

It is also interesting to know that before the reform brought by Sultan Mahmud II in 1826, it was customary to wear a properly colored turban to show your status and ethnicity in Turkish society. From then on the fes replaced the turban in the process of modernization of the Ottoman Empire.

The sultans, Ottoman emperors, and judges wore white turbans.

By law, only the descendants of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW), known as Ahlul Bayt, could wear green turbans. Since the sultans did not belong to Ahlul Bayt, they were not permitted to wear green turbans.

Muslims were allowed to wear white turbans unless they were from Ahlul Bayt. Jews were permitted to wear yellow turbans, while Christians were assigned blue turbans.

The Ottomans considered all colors of turbans equally good, except for black, which they saw as a bad omen. They associated black turbans not only with Zoroastrians but also with their enemies, the Shi’a Persians.

After 1826, all people irrespective of their religion and beliefs are asked to wear “red fez”. We have seen pictures of a battle where everyone wore a red flat hat showing their loyalty towards Turkish society. It became an overnight hit in the country and help maintains harmony and peace among different ethnicities.

Even now you may find many people wearing red fez hats on the streets of Turkey, depicting their culture and heritage. Some people like religious scholars still like to wear turbans while in office and outside.

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