Pak Government Bans Social Media Use for Employees

Pakistan’s government has announced a ban on social media use for all government employees during work hours. The decision comes in response to concerns about productivity loss and potential security risks associated with social media platforms. All service groups and government employees must comply with these new directives.

In a recent move, the government has reinforced its stance on social media use by its employees. The yearning circular reminds them of strict rules against expressing political or religious opinions online.

The Establishment Division issued a circular on Monday, referencing the Government Servants (Conduct) Rules of 1964. These rules strictly prohibit government employees from making any statements that could potentially embarrass the government. This includes sharing opinions in documents, press communications, public speeches, or even on television.

The ban will prohibit government employees from accessing and using social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok on their government-issued devices or while on official duty. This latest reminder is not new; similar guidelines came in 2020 and 2021 as well. The rules also make it clear that government employees must not express views against the ideology of Pakistan or criticize any government policy or decision.

The circular warns that any violation of these rules will be treated as misconduct. It will lead to disciplinary action under the Civil Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules of 2020.

Moreover, the circular highlights the increasing use of digital media by government employees. It also noted that many engage in online discussions or share content that doesn’t align with official conduct standards. Employees are now strictly instructed not to show political party affiliations or promote businesses on social media without permission.

“In order to maintain their impartiality and objectivity in performance, the government employees will not take part in any discussion on social media or exchange or forward information or messages that express their opinion on political issues,” the circular said. Additionally, the employees will not participate in furthering any information especially pertaining to government matters that, prima facie, appear to be unauthentic and misleading.

The government emphasizes that its intention is not to discourage the positive use of social media by government organizations. However, it insists that any offensive, inappropriate, or objectionable content must be swiftly removed from official social media platforms.

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