SBP Announces Winners of New Currency Notes Design

The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has announced the winners of its national competition for the design of new Pakistani currency notes. A panel of judges selected the winning designs from a pool of hundreds of entries. Most sleek and unique entries are submitted by talented artists and designers from across the country.

The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) recently announced the winners of a nationwide competition to design new currency notes for all denominations. This initiative began in January 2024, and by March, SBP had invited artists to submit creative and thematic designs.

A panel of experts carefully evaluated the work of many talented local artists and selected several winners. Dr. Shery Abidi got the first prize for the Rs 10 note. While Mirza Sufiyan received the second prize. Other notable winners include Haroon Khan for the Rs 20 note. Memoona Afzal for both the Rs 100 and Rs 5000 notes, and Hadiya Hassan for the Rs 500 notes. The Rs 1000 note prize went to Noureen Aslam.

Similarly, Mirza Sufiyan, Aynee Zahra, and Karim Muhammad are the prominent winners of the second prize. The State Bank of Pakistan will share these winning concepts with international designers for refinement before finalizing the designs.

“The International designers, while drawing inspiration from the local art submissions, will. However, be free to employ their own design expertise and imagination to create final designs for the new banknotes series,” the central bank added.

Prioritizing Cultural Heritage on Notes

It read that the SBP will ensure that the new banknote series reflects the rich cultural heritage and progressive vision of our nation. They also hope the final designs fully reflect this collaborative effort.

“Winners will be awarded prize money, as per earlier announcement, to appreciate their contribution to this important national project,” the statement said.

The SBP will award the winners with prize money ranging from Rs 1 million to Rs 300,000, depending on the position they secured. The final designs aim to reflect a collaborative effort between local talent and global expertise.

The introduction of the new currency notes will definitely be a significant milestone for Pakistan. It will not only provide the country with a fresh and modern look but also help to enhance its international image.

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