Two Women Accuse Andrew Tate of Sexual Assault

Two women have come forward with allegations of sexual assault against controversial internet personality, Andrew Tate. The incidents allegedly occurred in 2013 in the English town of Luton. Tate has so far denied these serious allegations.

Andrew Tate, a controversial social media influencer, has been accused by two women of horrific sexual assault and violence that occurred over a decade ago. Both women recently shared their stories on BBC Panorama, providing chilling details of their encounters with Tate.

One of the women uses the name “Anna” to protect her identity. She described how Tate allegedly assaulted her in 2013 while they were in Luton, a town in the UK. Anna recalled that Tate suddenly threatened to rape her before violently grabbing her by the throat and pinning her down. She said Tate raped her, and afterwards, sent her disturbing messages about how much he enjoyed her discomfort during the assault.

In one of his voice messages, Tate allegedly said, “The more you didn’t like it, the more I enjoyed it.” He later sent a text message that read, “I love raping you“. Although Anna reported the incident to the police in 2014, the case was closed five years later due to lack of evidence.

Another woman, identified as “Sienna,” shared a similar story. She said that during a sexual encounter with Tate, he strangled her until she lost consciousness. When she woke up, he was still assaulting her. Terrified, she did not report the crime to the police at the time but now regrets that decision.

The two women are now pursuing legal action against Tate, accusing him of rape and sexual assault. Their case will be heard in the High Court in London.

Meanwhile, Andrew Tate and his brother, Tristan, are currently under house arrest in Romania. They face charges of human trafficking and forming an organized group to exploit women sexually. If convicted, they could face over ten years in prison. Both brothers deny the allegations.

Tate, who gained widespread fame for his controversial online presence and misogynistic remarks, has consistently denied all accusations of violence or wrongdoing. In past interviews, he claimed that he had never hurt anyone and expressed confidence that the truth would eventually clear his name. However, the growing number of allegations against him paints a troubling picture of abuse and exploitation.

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