Free Transport Services on the Cards in Punjab

  • Punjab to Offer Free Transport Services for Senior Citizens, Students, and People with Disabilities

The PML-N-led Punjab government is preparing to launch a new initiative offering free transport services to senior citizens, students, and individuals with disabilities. This program will cover major public transport systems, including the Orange Line, Metro buses, and Speedo buses. The move aims to provide greater accessibility and ease of travel for vulnerable groups across Punjab.

The transport department and the Mass Transit Authority have already completed the groundwork for this project. They are now awaiting final approval from the Cabinet Committee on Finance. Senior Minister Maryam Aurangzeb expects to chair a meeting today, during which the proposal will likely receive the go-ahead.

Free Transport Services in Lahore, Multan and Rawalpindi

The free transport services will be available in key cities, including Lahore, Multan, and Rawalpindi. These cities house the most extensive public transport networks in Punjab, such as the Metro Bus system and the Orange Line Train. Once implemented, eligible individuals will be able to use these services without having to pay any fares.

This initiative is part of the government’s broader commitment to improving the quality of life for its citizens, especially those who face challenges in mobility. Free transport for students will help ease their daily commutes to educational institutions, while senior citizens and individuals with disabilities will enjoy better access to essential services and social activities.

The government believes this project will greatly enhance the well-being of these groups by providing them with reliable, free public transportation. It is also consider as a step towards reducing the financial burden on families and individuals who rely on these services daily.

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Once the program is approved, the government will roll out the free transport services shortly after. This will mark a significant step toward making Punjab’s public transportation system more inclusive and supportive of those who need it most. Punjab residents can expect improved access to essential services and increased mobility in the near future.

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