Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz urged students to prioritize their education over political protests. Speaking at Punjab University scholarship ceremony, she emphasized that students should focus on learning instead of participating in demonstrations at D-Chowk.
She criticized Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) for its role in political unrest, which she believes harms Pakistan’s global reputation. “We damage our image internationally by promoting chaos and arson,” she said. “What impression did we leave on the Belarusian president when he witnessed such turmoil?”
CM Maryam condemned leaders who protect their own children while exposing others to danger. “You can’t keep your children safe and ask others to risk theirs,” she stated. She added that individuals who use abusive language undermine the value of their education, reducing their degrees to mere pieces of paper.
Taking responsibility for students’ education, CM Maryam pledged to prioritize their higher education. “From today, I see myself as more responsible for their education than their parents,” she declared.
She called on leaders to work for the betterment of future generations, urging them to prioritize education over conflict. “Nations thrive when their youth focus on education rather than chaos,” she said.
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CM Maryam reminded students of their duty to contribute to nation through education. She warned that harming the country’s progress would leave no legacy for future generations. “If country suffers, none of us will leave a mark behind,” she stressed.
Concluding her speech, CM Maryam underlined the importance of education for Pakistan’s future. “Our success lies in educating youth, not in weapons or stones,” she said.
Her address highlighted the need for students to stay committed to learning, as education is key to a brighter and more prosperous Pakistan.
CM Maryam’s message resonated as a call to action for both students and leaders to prioritize education and unity. She firmly stated that a well-educated youth is the foundation of a strong and progressive nation.