The Simpsons has a long history of predicting the future. The Simpsons also predicted the incident of OceanGate submarine. In a 1997 episode of the show, titled “Lisa on Ice,” Homer and Bart go on a submarine tour of the Titanic wreckage. However, the submarine malfunctions and the two boys are stranded underwater.
The similarities between this episode and the real-life incident are striking. Both submarines were operated by OceanGate Expeditions, and both malfunctioned while exploring the Titanic wreckage. The Simpsons episode predicted that the OceanGate submarine malfunctions in the ocean. The submarine’s communication system fails, and the boys are unable to contact the surface. Similarly, the real-life submarine lost contact with the surface shortly after it began its dive.
Of course, it is possible that this is just a coincidence. After all, there are only so many ways that a submarine can malfunction. However, the Simpsons has a long history of predicting the future. So it is worth considering the possibility that this was another instance of their uncanny foresight.
In addition to the similarities between the Simpsons episode and the real-life incident. There are also some other factors that suggest that the former may have been a prediction of the latter. For example, the Simpsons episode aired in 1997, several years before Ocean Gate Expeditions even began offering submarine tours of the Titanic wreckage. This suggests that the writers of the show may have had some inside knowledge about the company’s plans.
Of course, there is no way to know for sure whether or not the Simpsons episode was actually a prediction of the real-life incident. However, the similarities between the two are certainly striking. It is worth considering the possibility that the writers of the show may have had some sort of premonition.
Whether or not the Simpsons episode was a prediction. However, it is clear that the show has a knack for predicting the future. In the past, the Simpsons have predicted everything from the rise of Donald Trump to the invention of the iPad. So, it is not entirely out of the realm of possibility. That they may have also predicted the Ocean Gate submarine incident.
Only time will tell if this was truly a case of the Simpsons predicting the future. However, one thing is for sure: the show’s uncanny ability to predict the future is nothing short of amazing.