Pakistani Conjoined Twins Separated in Groundbreaking Surgery

A team of Turkish surgeons has successfully separated 11-month-old conjoined twins from Pakistan in a complex, 14-hour operation. The twins, Mirha and Minal, were born with their heads fused. Unable to find suitable treatment in Pakistan, their family’s plea for help caught the attention of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

In an extraordinary medical feat, 11-month-old conjoined twins from Pakistan, Mirha and Minal, were successfully separated in a marathon 14-hour surgery in Ankara, Turkey. Born with their heads fused together, the twins faced an uncertain future until a global team of 60 doctors. The historic operation was led by London-based pediatric neurosurgeon Dr. Owase Jeelani, who performed the life-saving operation.

The girls’ parents, Rehan Ali and Nazia Parveen, initially struggled to find treatment in Pakistan. However, their plea for help reached Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The president facilitated their transfer to Bilkent City Hospital in May 2024. In addition, in the hospital, they were carefully monitored as surgeons prepared for the complex procedure.

The surgery was carried out in two stages. The first involved expanding the skin and tissue on the girls’ heads using a balloon technique to ensure enough coverage after separation. Conversely, the final stage, conducted on July 19, was the delicate separation of their conjoined skulls.

Precision Of Surgeons

The team, which included Turkish surgeons Dr. Harun Demirci and Dr. Hasan Murat Ergani, used 3D imaging and virtual reality to meticulously plan the operation. Dr. Jeelani emphasized the importance of global cooperation. He said, “This surgery demonstrates how the world can come together to help children in need.”

After the successful surgery, the medical team erupted in applause, celebrating the achievement. The twins, initially struggling to adjust to being separated, are now in good health and expected to be discharged within weeks. Their progress will be closely monitored, with follow-ups every few months.

Their parents expressed immense gratitude to President Erdogan and the medical team. “We are so thankful to everyone who helped,” said Ali. He also hoped to meet the Turkish president to personally thank him for the life-changing intervention.

Mirha and Minal are now on track to celebrate their first birthdays as separate individuals. Moreover, it is a testament to the power of global collaboration in the face of medical challenges. The cojoined twins will lead healthy lives and will be discharged from the hospital soon, marking the beginning of a new chapter for the family.

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