Jamaat e Islami challenged the recently passed Transgender Bill in Federal Shariat Court. The ongoing controversial law has yet again sparked a debate on Judiciary System. A bill that was recently passed in the assembly under the name of the Transgender Act. The newly passed law allows any person in Pakistan to undergo a Sex Change Operation if he/she wants. However, A senator challenged the Act in the Federal shariat court of Pakistan. Senator Mushtaq Ahmed of Jaamat-e-Islami against the Transgender Rights Bill 2018. He claimed that the newly formed bill contradicts Islamic principles and values.
In a sparking debate during the hearing of the case, the committee gave remarks against the law. Senator of Jamaat-e-Islami has asked the court to change the law not to give permission to anyone to change their gender. He said that anyone who claims to change his/her gender should undergo a medical examination. The Medical board should be the one to determine what a person’s gender is, and not the person himself. The Senator said more than 30,000 people submitted their applications after the bill passed. Moreover, he said that no Islamic Scholars were notified before passing the bill. The bill clearly contradicts Islamic principles and should not implement.
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During the hearing, a representative of Transgenders in Assembly Bubbly Malik was also present. Bubbly Malik debated on the act as to be Transgender Right Protection Act. But there were many clauses within the Act that said otherwise. LGBT is a community of people who work to protect Gay rights. The law also gave rights to LGBT persons as well. However, this cannot implement within an Islamic country. This is because the whole agenda and objectives of LGBT are against the basic principles of Islam about transgenders. This is the reason why the representative of Transgenders Bubbly Malik argued in court. Bubbly Malik said that transgenders should not be mixed with the LGBT person. LGBT works for completely opposite purposes.
The Human Rights Committee of the current government opposed the petition. They said that there should be no amendments to the bill. The Final verdict about the Transgender Act Bill 2018 is pending.