
A city without cars is already here

A city without cars is already here

The world has become extremely polluted now, and the major reason for it is vehicles, all the vehicles spread a lot of pollution that is extremely pernicious for everyone. On 19th September, the people of Paris took to the streets to celebrate the 17th iteration while chanting the slogan “Paris breathes without cars .”Parisian will soon establish finite traffic zones in some years. The Sundays will be car-free. The traffic will be finite, particularly for taxi drivers, traders, etc., while other people can travel over scooters, bikes, walking, etc. A city without cars This initiative was taken to make cities cleaner, less-polluted by limiting the vehicles. After this, many cities and countries have started to implement it as Europe has also adopted these types of schemes. In British...
Bhutan: First carbon Negative country in the world

Bhutan: First carbon Negative country in the world

Not Carbon Neutral but Bhutan became the first Carbon Negative country on planet earth. They are offering other countries to come forward and make this world a better place to live in. World is so much into technology and gadgets that they almost forgot about environment. Each year tons of carbon released in the air from factories. This carbon emission caused the hole in the ozone layer. Moreover the direct UV rays from sun is damaging the balance of the earth weather. In this chaos and fuss, one country came forward who actually cares about the environment more than technology. Bhutan a small land resides between China and India, emerges as the first carbon negative country in the world. Bhutan maybe is a small country but they are taking biggest initiatives to save world. The tot...
Zealandia Continent: New addition to the world

Zealandia Continent: New addition to the world

Scientists are positive that they have found 8th hidden continent of the world name Zealandia. It was underwater for more than 1 billion years. It may be a sign of geographical and environmental changes coming to the world. Since the world witnessed its first human, the curiosity about earth began. Geologists believes that earth has changes a lot since its start. But for millions of years there were only 7 continents on the face of world. But in 1995 a strange underwater body discovered, which was mysterious enough to mankind. Reason was its unique crust and rock formation. For a longer period of time geologists believes that its a part of temporary land that submerged into continent. But recent findings made it eligible to called a full fledge Continent. They named it Zealandia. It i...
Eighth Continent ‘Zealandia’ discovered.

Eighth Continent ‘Zealandia’ discovered.

The Discovery of Eighth Continent 'Zealandia' has left everyone shocked. Even more shocking is the fact that its discovery by human eye took 375 years. We all know that a Continent is basically a combination of several landmasses. Since childhood we all know about the existence of seven continents which are Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Europe, Antarctica and Australia. However its about time we will see an addition into this list. This is because scientist have recently discovered a new continent Eighth Continent 'Zealandia' . The continent was first brought to light in 1642 by a sailor named Abel Tasman. Abel made claims that there existed a continent in the southern hemisphere. After around 375 years later, Tasman's claims have proven to be right after the discov...
Russian President Putin says insulting PBUH is violation of religion

Russian President Putin says insulting PBUH is violation of religion

"I welcome president Putin statement it reaffirms my message that insulting our Holy Prophet (PBUH) isn't freedom of expression" said PM Pakistan Russian president Mr. Vladimir Putin in recent conference showed gesture of respect towards Prophet (PBUH), stating disrespecting Prophet (PBUH) is violation of freedom of speech. "Insulting Prophet (PBUH) is violation of religious freedom and sacred feelings of people who profess Islam" says Putin at conference. President Putin even criticized posting picture of Nazis on websites and stated that the reason for extremism are these acts. To clarify his statement Putin exampled 2015 attack on office of Charlie Hebdo, Paris where 12 were killed after release of Prophet (PBUH) cartoon. Even artistic freedom contains some boundaries which...