
President Ghani fled with 4 cars full of money: says Russia

President Ghani fled with 4 cars full of money: says Russia

Russian Embassy spokesman, while claiming that President Ghani took the money said that "four cars were full of money. They tried to stuff another part of the money into a helicopter, but not all of it fit. Some of the money left lying on the tarmac". On Sunday 15th August, Taliban militants circled around and attacked the city of Kabul. Kabul, the last thread keeping the Ghani government then felled into the hands of Taliban. Soon after the capture of Kabul, former president Ghani fled the country. In a Facebook post he announced that his reason to leave was to avoid bloodshed in Afghanistan. While Ghani was fleeing the country, some Russian embassy personnel's claims to have seen him take 4 cars and a helicopter full of cash. They also claimed that when Ghani and his men were no...
Taliban after taking over Kabul, declared the end of war

Taliban after taking over Kabul, declared the end of war

Following Taliban successful attacks on governments last resort 'Kabul', President Ghani fled the country on Sunday. Taliban after entering Presidential Palace with no resistance declared the official end to the Taliban Afghanistan war. KABUL, AFGHANISTAN - Before the sunrise of August 15, Taliban militants circled around the city of Kabul and started moving their way inside the city. Unlike other cities, militants faced no resistance from the Afghan government and they easily continued closing into Kabul. President Ashraf Ghani left the presidential palace soon after the attack and fled the country. This meant the end of the Ghani government in Afghanistan and the beginning of Taliban rule in the country. Taliban forces then continued to move in and within a few hours capture...
Statue of Liberty: A lady enlightening the freedom for decades.

Statue of Liberty: A lady enlightening the freedom for decades.

A unique Green copper iron structure erected right in the middle of city. Statue of Liberty clearly depicts the wholesomeness of freedom as well as equal rights. Lady with torch and book definitely shows the progressive face of America to the world. Statue of liberty is one of the famous landmark of the world. Not so secret a gift from French people to USA residents as a symbol of peace and freedom. An idea came true by famous architect Gustav Eiffel the infamous brain behind Eiffel tower. Originally the design came from French sculptor Frédéric Bartholdi who wants to build a landmark in Egypt. Yes you read it right, statue of liberty supposed to be foundation on Suez Canal depicting bravery of Egyptian people. The design is showing a Falliha Woman or Peasant woman to show equal righ...
US envoy sent to Doha for talks over Taliban

US envoy sent to Doha for talks over Taliban

As Taliban continue to capture more Afghan cities. US get in talks with other countries, to formulate a joint response towards Taliban seeking power in Afghanistan. On Tuesday 10th August, US sent a peace envoy named 'Zalmay Khalilzad' to Qatar. This was a warning response towards Taliban's increasing capture of Afghan cities. The peace envoy stayed in Doha. Where he met several other representatives from a list of countries including US, UK, EU, UN, China, Pakistan and Uzbekistan. All the representatives were together to discuss and formulate a response towards Taliban's forceful capture of Afghanistan. The Chairman for Afghanistan High Council 'Dr. Abdullah Abdullah' was also present with the representatives. US peace envoy Zalmay Khalilzad is in Doha "to press the Taliban to st...