
Shaheen Express Service: A much glorified version of Pakistan
Global, Pakistan

Shaheen Express Service: A much glorified version of Pakistan

One of the iconic things in 1970s. Shaheen Express Bus Service depicts the progressive as well as golden time of Pakistan. Moreover it also shows the reliability and safety of said service as well. RAWALPINDI, PAKISTAN - IndoPak is one of the long in the tooth colony of British Empire. You can observe many leftovers even after many years of independence. From dressing to food to talking style, You can feel the after taste of British rule over this region. Even so both countries are independent now but few things are so iconic, they are yet known to be best. One of the vintage fruition is Shaheen Express. Shaheen express was one of a kind bus service in 1960s. A unique service where you could travel from Rawalpindi to Bradford and vice versa through bus. At that time Albert bus se...
Houtong Cat village Taiwan: A ‘Purrfect’ destination for cat lovers

Houtong Cat village Taiwan: A ‘Purrfect’ destination for cat lovers

From 6000 human residents to 200 plus furry residents, Houtong is undoubtedly one of kind town exists in this world. HOUTONG, TAIWAN - People are avid pet lovers these day. Specially Cats and dogs are their priority to pet. But If I tell you that there is whole town owing to cats only. Houtong is a village in Ruifang District, New Taipei, Taiwan. It is inhabitant of more then 200 cats. That's why it is also a Houtong Cat village or Houdong Cat City. . This city has a really interesting history as well. Old name of Houtong is Kau-tong that means " Monkey Cave". Because in old times it was suppose to be a town of monkeys. There are ancient caves verifying this theory as well. But in 1920s when Taiwan was a Japanese colony, coal was discover here. Soon Taiwan becam...
US urges the new President of Iran to resume nuclear talks

US urges the new President of Iran to resume nuclear talks

Spokesperson from the US State Department says that the proposal to 'End Sanctions' in return for compliance won't last and said, "We hope that Iran seizes the opportunity now to advance diplomatic solutions" WASHINGTON, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - On Thursday 5th August, US urged Iran to return back to its nuclear talks and quickly draft a Nuclear deal. This offer from the US came in after the new Irani President, Ebrahim Raisi came into office and said that he would seek diplomatic ways to end sanctions. The spokesman from the US state department urged Iran to come into talks with the US as soon as possible and said, "If President Raisi is genuine in his determination to see the sanctions lifted, well that is precisely what's on the table in Vienna". Thus making sure that the U...
Registan Square: Only monument keeping the old traditions in modern world

Registan Square: Only monument keeping the old traditions in modern world

Registan square is undoubtedly an example to be followed by modern world. It gives you the depth of Modern Islamic School of thought. Registan Square Samarkand Uzbekistan a beautiful country in Central Asia hold a very rich set of history. One of the prominent tourist place is Registan Square located in Samarkand. Registan means "desert" or " sandy place" in English. Registan square is the most ancient building in region as well as it hold the record of oldest institute as well.  Turco-Mongol king Timur built this in 14th century. This shows the diverse creativity of the king. Timur himself says "If you want to know about us, examine our buildings". Registan square definitely tells that Muslims of that time were keen to learn about Qur'an and science. Registan square is on...
Clashes breakout as Taliban attack three key Afghan cities

Clashes breakout as Taliban attack three key Afghan cities

Taliban after establishing control over rural and small territories is now moving towards the country’s provincial capitals With the US military and NATO pulling out from Afghanistan, Taliban has been on the rise. Taliban since Biden’s announcement have been more powerful than ever. They have taken in a considerable amount of territories and have managed to do so with facing resistance. Taliban after seizing most of rural Afghanistan is now heading towards the major cities. Since the past few days they have been constantly attacking Kandahar, Herat and Lashkar Gah. Afghan forces have been constantly fighting to keep Taliban out of these cities. However, the clashes are largely increasing thus worsening the situation. The government worries about these cities falling into the hands of T...