
“Flattening infant’s head” midwives horror tales

“Flattening infant’s head” midwives horror tales

In South Asian households, it is a very common practice after birth. Mostly Grandmothers or midwives ask new mothers to flatten their baby's head. Flattening infant's head cause some major problems in kids in the future. If you are aware of South Asian households, you may hear some of these absurd practices. Getting a child is a blessing in itself but sometimes it became a challenge for new mothers. In India or Pakistan, it is normal practice to flatten an infant's head. Other than that putting a "Surma" or pressing the baby's fingers to shape it long and beautiful is also common. Even in a few advanced countries you may find some cases of flattening infant's head as well. If you are a new mom then you must be hearing different opinions regarding “Your baby’s head is too round, ma...
Effects of covid-19 vaccines on immunity, fertility, and lifespan

Effects of covid-19 vaccines on immunity, fertility, and lifespan

There are many people in the world that fear covid-19 vaccines due to their effects on immunity, fertility, and lifespan. This misinformation leads them to avoid this life-saving vaccination. However, multiple pieces of research have verified that the vaccine does not affect our genes or fertility in any way. Researchers have found strong supporting evidence for this theory. Moreover, there is no biologically plausible explanation for how it might be. Doctors do advise covid-19 vaccines before and during pregnancy. Women who are trying to get pregnant don't need to delay vaccinations. Soon after WHO released the Pfizer mRNA vaccine. Erroneous information about the vaccine's negative effects on a woman's fertility spread on social media. Such claims are deceptive and intended to instill...
Beijing shuts parks, museums as China’s Covid-19 cases rise
Global, Health

Beijing shuts parks, museums as China’s Covid-19 cases rise

China has decided to shut down Parks and Museums due to the rise of Covid-19 cases. Health officials have reported two additional deaths linked to Covid-19. This death toll is lower from the past week’s 3. The number of cases are rising again in China since May. The most recent wave is testing recent adjustments to China's "Zero-Covid” policy. The policy made the authorities focus more on their enforcement actions. Moreover, the policy refrains from the widespread lockdowns and testing that have stifled the economy and irritated citizens.  According to analysts, localities responsible for 19.9% of China's total GDP were subject to restrictions or lockdowns on Tuesday. This percentage is up from 15.6 percent on Monday and near the index's peak in April. In April, the government pla...
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) vs Depression Induced Disorder (DID)

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) vs Depression Induced Disorder (DID)

Generalized Anxiety disorder (GAD) is a sort of mental disorder. A person with this disorder feels it difficult to control excessive worry about most things. Anxiety is when a person worries about a particular thing in his or her life. Whereas Depression Induced Disorder is a mood disorder. It causes a person to persistently feel sad as well as lose interest. When a person loses someone or something valuable, it makes them hard to feel happy and peaceful for some time. However, People with Depression Induced Disorder (DID) fall into a deep feeling of sadness. People all over the world seem to mix the 2 disorders as one but in truth, these feelings are poles apart. Generalized Anxiety disorder causes a person to consistently worry about things such as money, health, family, work, and a ...
CyberKnife System: Fastest cure to the cancer

CyberKnife System: Fastest cure to the cancer

CyberKnife System is a non-invasive medical treatment for curing both cancerous and non-cancerous tumors and other conditions where radiation therapy is indicated. It provides a true Robotic insertion of radiation throughout the body. Time duration of CyberKnife treatment method is usually 1-5 sessions. CyberKnife system has facilitated thousands of patients worldwide and clinically proved of more than 2 decades. It is much different than surgical procedures that require incision and general anesthesia. The unique High-Dose radiation therapy denies the fact because it is a nonsurgical and noninvasive outpatient procedure. Treatment Areas It is used to treat cancerous cells present anywhere in the body including lung, spine, liver, pancreas, prostate, brain, head and neck, and kid...