
Justin Trudeau announced the Muslim Family homicide a ‘’Terrorist Attack’’, the attacker had Islamophobia intentions, he added.

Justin Trudeau announced the Muslim Family homicide a ‘’Terrorist Attack’’, the attacker had Islamophobia intentions, he added.

TORONTO, CANADA - Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, on Wednesday, presented in the Canadian House of Commons and shed light on the recent incident of murder of a Muslim family by a truck driver. The Prime Minister condemned the onslaught and labelled it as a ‘’Terrorist Attack’’. ‘’If anyone thinks racism and hatred don’t exist in this country, I ask to them this, how do we explain such violence to that child in hospital. How do we look in the eyes of the families and say Islamophobia isn’t real’’, The Prime Minister. "Their lives were taken in a brutal, cowardly, and brazen act of violence," the Prime Minister said before the House of Commons. "This killing was no accident. This was a terrorist attack motivated by hatred in the heart of one in our community." https://www...
Malala on Vogue, talks about Oxford, Oppression and Optimism

Malala on Vogue, talks about Oxford, Oppression and Optimism

Pakistani Nobel Laureate, Malala Yousafzai became the cover star on the cover of British Vogue for its July 2021 addition, exclaimed in the interview, ‘’I know power of young girl’s heart’’. The 23 years old Malala, featured in Vogue, graduated from Oxford last year in Philosophy, Politics and Economics. She is one most of the most prominent Oxford graduates of all times. In her interview, she talked about her experience while studying in the prestigious institute. She told how normal she felt among her fellows in the university and how she felt excited in the environment. "I was excited about literally anything - going to McDonald's or playing poker with my friends," said Malala. "I was enjoying each and every ...
Israel’s Former Defense Minister caught with Forgery

Israel’s Former Defense Minister caught with Forgery

Palestine is under attack and Israeli arms and settlers are using every means to confiscate sources of living and facility, destroy buildings and houses, torture, humiliate and rape women and children, mass killing and make the lives of the living even more unbearable in Gaza. Israel has also a great influence over Media and agencies all over the World that plays as a helping tool for them to camouflage this Open Human Rights Violation and Apartheid. They have this potentiality to manipulate and twist the news up to their interests and advantages via misinformation and forgery. Naftali Bennett, Former Defense Minister, Israel, made a statement on May 20, 2021 calling out Bella Hadid, Trevor Noah and John Oliver for supporting Palestinians in this said ‘’Conflict’’. He mentioned that...