


Turbine blades have a complex geometry and contain many areas of double curvature during the Manufacturing of Turbine Blades. Therefore the blades have to be precisely manufactured by the precision casting process of investment casting, also known as the ‘lost wax process’. Ceramic cores for the cooling channels are positioned within a master mould pattern. Wax is then injected into the mould cavity to produce a preform of the turbine blade. Pinning wires are then pressed through the wax to butt against the ceramic cores within the preform. Next, the preform is coated with multiple layers of ceramic, ultimately forming a thick casing around the preform with the pinning wires embedded in it. The assembly is heated to melt out the wax and then tired to strengthen the ceramic. The result...
Significance of Tangram Technology and Water in Cooling Tower

Significance of Tangram Technology and Water in Cooling Tower

Amount of flow to the process always related to the demand by pump sequencing with multiple pumps or using variable-speed drive controllers with pressure and flow rate as a control signal which is the Significance of Tangram Technology. Quality water plays a significant role in cooling water system under tangram technology. It is considered that cooling towers and its mechanical components represent the cooling system hardware and the water flowing through the cooling system is the system software as shown in figure 1. Significance of Tangram Technology using cooling-water system normally has highly efficient pumps supplying both the process and the cooling system. As many researchers have agreed about 'Significance of Tangram Technology' using cooling towers to control tempera...
Facebook and Metaverse Simplified: How it works

Facebook and Metaverse Simplified: How it works

Built on the basic mission of connecting people like Facebook, Metaverse involves a lot of complexity. Using AR technology the Metaverse project is an aim to create a virtual world. If you are an avid social media user, you might have come across the term 'Meta' or 'Metaverse' on Facebook, Instagram or simply on Whatsapp. If you are someone that's not into Technology, you surely had a problem understanding what 'Metaverse' is and how it works. Well, we got you because written below is a simplified explanation of 'Metaverse' and its working. This concept of a metaverse was first introduced back in 1992 by Author 'Neal Stephenson'. Stephenson in his novel 'Snow Crash' wrote about a world where lifelike avatars met in realistic 3D and Virtual Reality environment. While this was only a...
Digital Security : Protecting your Digital Identity

Digital Security : Protecting your Digital Identity

Protection of digital identity, internet or network equivalent of our identity is called Digital Security. It includes different tools like web services, biometric, anti-virus software which we use to secure our identity, technology and assets in both mobile and online world.  Digital security devices includes secure personal devices like USB token, SIM card, secure chip or e-pass. These devices helps us to travel, bank, communicate or work using our digital identity in a secure, enjoyable and convenient way. Digital technology is generating new ways and possibilities everywhere to work, transact and interact. Now a days we are surrounded by digital identities and data.These devices facilitate us to use a variety of services. On the other hand, advantages of digital technology...
COP 26: Nations gathering to fight against Climate Change

COP 26: Nations gathering to fight against Climate Change

Short for 'Conference Of Parties', the COP 26 is a meeting where nations will come together and discuss climate change. The conference will take place in Glasgow and is a big hope for a better climate on Earth. GLASGOW - Increasing pollution and climate change over the last century has negatively affected the world. Climate experts predict that if pollution continues at the current rate, we might cause irreversible damage to the climate. Climatic damage upon reaching the point of irreversibility will largely decrease the quality of life on Earth. Humans now have a small time bracket to stop climate degradation from reaching irreversibility. Nations will now gather in the COP (Conference of Parties) 26 and plan ways to lower emissions and save the climate. The COP is a series of me...