Tag: Air Drill

Pakistan Air Force Commences ‘Indus Shield 2023,’ Air Drill

Pakistan Air Force Commences ‘Indus Shield 2023,’ Air Drill

The Indus Shield 2023 air drill started in Pakistan in October 2023. It is a multinational air exercise involving 14 countries, including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Turkiye, Egypt, Oman, Bahrain, Azerbaijan, Indonesia, Morocco, Uzbekistan, China, and Hungary. The exercise is being held at an operational air base in Pakistan. The Pakistan Air Force has launched a significant multinational air drill, designated as 'Indus Shield-2023,' taking place at one of its operational bases. This air exercise showcased a remarkable demonstration of international camaraderie and airpower. With forces representing 14 nations converging at the PAF's Airpower Centre of Excellence (ACE). 'Indus Shield 2023' sought to bring together aviation experts from numerous Middle Eastern coun...