Tag: bible

True Story of Noah’s Ark: Bible Vs Qur’an

True Story of Noah’s Ark: Bible Vs Qur’an

Noah's ark is one of the famous narrative in history. There are many acknowledged versions of the incident. Noah and His ark has also been mentioned in Bible and Qur'an. Life is around 60,000 years old on Earth. Whereas the humankind is almost 8000 to 10,000 years old. A lot of incidents happened that has shaped today's earth. One of the major incidents is Noah's Ark and flood. It is basically referred to the making of a giant ark prior to the massive destructive flood warned by God/Allah Almighty. Along with that human race as well as all the living beings said to board on this ship, a pair of each specie to be precise. In a rough estimate there were almost 3,858,920 animals aboard the boat. 14 species of birds are exclusive. It is considered as a miracle that human as well as ani...