Tag: civil engineering

Hsuehshan Tunnel: Another marvelous thing in Yilan

Hsuehshan Tunnel: Another marvelous thing in Yilan

Hsuehshan Tunnel, the fifth longest and well crafted tunnel in Asia. It is another example of how civil engineering helps people as well as preserves nature. Yilan is the most exotic place in Taiwan country. People visits the town in their vacations and leisure time. It has beautiful scenic beauty, appealing beaches, restaurants, etc. It took 30 minutes drive from main Taipei to Yilan Country. But when flow of traffic increases due to any holiday or event. Estimated time can be 1 hour to 2 hours as well. To tackle this situation, Government of Taiwan built this amazing tunnel in the Northeast side of Yilan. That saves around 50 to 120 minutes of traffic and rush. The Hsuehshan Tunnel  or “Snow Mountain” tunnel, is the longest tunnel in Taiwan, locat...