Tag: Eidul azha

Eidul Azha Likely to be Celebrated on June 17 in Pakistan

Eidul Azha Likely to be Celebrated on June 17 in Pakistan

The Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) has announced that Eidul Azha is expected to be celebrated on Monday, June 17. This prediction is based on the anticipated sighting of the moon for the Islamic month of Zilhajj. The Climate Data Processing Centre of PMD shared that the moon for Zilhajj is most likely to be seen on Friday, June 7. On June 6, the moon will rise at 5:38 PM, and the sun will set at 7:20 PM. After sunset, the moon should be visible for about 72 minutes. For the moon to be sighted, it needs to be at least 19 hours old. By sunset in Karachi, the moon will be 26 hours and 8 minutes old, making it easy to spot. Eidul Azha, the Feast of Sacrifice Eidul Azha, also known as the Feast of Sacrifice, is one of the most significant Islamic holidays. It commemorates th...