Tag: giant pandas

Giant Pandas: “Not Endangered” but “Vulnerable” to extinction

Giant Pandas: “Not Endangered” but “Vulnerable” to extinction

Giant Pandas with their white and black coat, are admired by the world and considered as the national treasure of China. Scientific Name: Ailuropoda mellanoleuca Giant Panda Giant Pandas live in Southwest in temperate forest in mountains of China. They depend almost 99% on bamboo. They eat around 26 to 84 pounds of bamboos every day. There eating habit depend on what part of the bamboo they are eating.  Why Endangered? Habitat destruction is one of the main reason of decrease in population of giant Pandas. Panda’s population gets smaller and smaller since the population of China increases. Humans have took their habitats and pushed them to smaller and inhabited areas. These factors push their classification to about 1800 numbers. Also Read: How Animals Behave toward...