Tag: hiphop songs pakistan

The rise of Classic Hip-Hop in Pakistan

The rise of Classic Hip-Hop in Pakistan

"Hip-hop is everywhere now and its kind of on its peak. I think that in the upcoming years DHH will evolve more than ever", says Wustaaz- a rising rapper from Karachi. Sitting around any one of Karachi's roadside hotel, sipping your cup of tea, you would probably hear many people belonging to the Gen Z discussing about the rising Pakistani Classic Hip-Hop culture. Eaves dropping their conversation you will also hear local slangs, lines and hooks that this culture has brought with itself. Over the last 3 to 4 years, Hip-Hop or more specifically a 'Desi hip-hop' music has sky rocketed in Pakistan. New artists, music producers, concerts, and songs keep coming out almost everyday. The culture has also developed a significant amount of followers. Ranging from 13-25 age gap, these follow...