Tag: Japan

Kakure Kirishitan, The “Hidden Christians” of Japan

Kakure Kirishitan, The “Hidden Christians” of Japan

Kakure Kirishitan, also known as Hidden Christians of Japan are slowly fading away. After decades of ban and persecution new generation is not ready to carry old traditions. IKITSUKI ISLAND, NAGSAKI - World is full of eerie surprises. One of them is Kakure Kirishitan or ''Secret Society of Catholic Christians'' in Japan. They came into being when Christians were forced to leave their religion or leave the country in 17th Century. In 1614, Military Government of Japan imposed a ban on Christianity. Tokugawa Bakufu (Military Government that ruled Japan from 1604 to 1867, also known as the Tokugawa Shogunate) outlawed Christianity, tearing down churches, and expelling the missionaries who taught it. Japanese Christians exiled to remote islands, tortured, martyred, or forced to comm...
Top 5 Best Airports in the World

Top 5 Best Airports in the World

These airports are characterized as best among the World on the basis of their latest architectural design, best customer services and updated facilities. 1. Doha, Qatar Hamad International Airport in Doha, Qatar, has climbed from third in the ranking as the world’s best airport in the 2021 SKYTRAX World’s Best Airport Awards. Singapore’s Changi International lost its crown after taking top spot from 2013 to 2020 conducted from August 2020 until July 2021. It is assessing customer service and facilities across more than 500 airports. Hamad International Airport Hamad International Airport was inaugurated in 30th April 2014. It was named after the previous Emir of Qatar Hamad bin Khalifa al Thani. A global architecture firm HOK designed it in such a way that it made Doh...
Japan COVID-19 situation worsens after the Tokyo Olympics 2020

Japan COVID-19 situation worsens after the Tokyo Olympics 2020

"The surge in infections is reaching alarming record highs", said Suga Yoshihide, the Prime Minister of Japan Crowds gather outside Tokyo stadium for Olympics opening ceremony TOKYO, JAPAN - On Monday 16th August, the government of Japan decided to extend the country's current state of emergency even after September 12. The government previously decided that it would end the state of emergency on September 12, however the ever increasing COVID-19 cases in Japan have made them extend it. Major states including Tokyo, Osaka, Okinawa and other are all under the state of emergency. This state of emergency began in July and people expected it to end with the closing of Tokyo Olympics. The number of cases, however have increased drastically after the Tokyo Olympics thus resulting in...