Tag: Saba Faisal

Sadia Faisal Blames Independent Women for Increasing Divorce Rates

Sadia Faisal Blames Independent Women for Increasing Divorce Rates

Pakistani actor Sadia Faisal recently stirred up controversy with her comments on divorce rates in Pakistan. During her appearance on the FHM podcast, Sadia claimed that the increasing independence and career orientation of women are major factors behind the rising number of divorces. Sadia explained her perspective by saying, "I think women have become more intolerant. They are more career-oriented now." She suggested that women’s financial independence leads to a decrease in tolerance and compromise within marriages, which she believes is crucial for a successful relationship. The actor-model elaborated, “You develop certain expectations when you’re independent and earning. You find a sense of security when you become self-sufficient, which is a good thing, but it can get to your ...