Tag: Terrorism

Minister Blames PTI for Rising Terrorism

Minister Blames PTI for Rising Terrorism

Terrorism In Pakistan Planning Minister Ahsan Iqbal blamed the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) for the increasing wave of terrorism in the country. Speaking on Sunday, he said the United Nations (UN) Security Council condemned recent terror attacks through a resolution. Iqbal stated that even powerful countries like the United States and Russia struggle to stop terrorism. He added that Pakistan’s enemies are trying to slow down progress in Balochistan, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), and the mineral sector. He assured the nation that brave soldiers will continue protecting the country from harm. "No one can damage our country as long as our valiant soldiers defend it," Iqbal said. Terrorists Oppose Economic Progress On Saturday, Iqbal said the government brought...
Johar Town Blast: Usman Buzdar had a press conference

Johar Town Blast: Usman Buzdar had a press conference

After authorities arrested key suspects and the case gets near to the conclusion, Chief Minister Punjab held a press conference to address the nation regarding the matter. LAHORE, PAKISTAN - Chief Minister Punjab, ‘Usman Buzdar held a press conference, along with Firdous Ashiq Awan regarding Johar Town Blast. The Chief Minister addressed “Terrorist responsible for the Johar Town bomb blast have been arrested” conforming to the nation that the case is now officially solved. In addition, he said “I want to inform our friends in the media that we have conducted raids across the country, in just four days, to arrest the terrorist involved in the incident”. While also praising CTD and terming the solving of this case as a “great achievement”. Moreover the chief minister also added that a...
FATF decides to continue keeping Pakistan on FATF Grey list

FATF decides to continue keeping Pakistan on FATF Grey list

Dr Marcus Pleyer said that Pakistan remains under "Increased Monitoring". PARIS, FRANCE - Financial Action Task Force (FATF) on Friday announced that Pakistan has been able to successfully comply with 26 of the 27 points by them. However they will still continue keeping Pakistan on FATF Grey list. This decision was taken because one of the most important points given by FATF - related to combating the financing of terrorism silll needs work. https://twitter.com/FATFNews/status/1408417689979207680 Addressing a press conference after the June 21-25 plenary meeting concluded in Paris on Friday, FATF President Dr Marcus Pleyer said that Pakistan remains under "Increased Monitoring". ''The Pakistani government has made substantial progress in making its counter-terrorist financi...